An interesting snippet, from a BUAofE Committee meeting in 1953, that gives an indication of where our current standardised vocabulary for umpires began!
Categories: BUAofE, History
The next meeting of the National Committee will take place after the AGM on 4th July, starting at 2 p.m.
Categories: BUAofE, National Committee, Members News
The AGM of the Association is coming up soon... on Saturday 4th July, to be precise. All paid-up Members of the BUAofE are encouraged to attend this meeting, which will be held at the National Badminton Centre in Milton Keynes, starting at 11 a.m.
Categories: BUAofE, Annual General Meeting, Members News
There is a new page on the site: Laws. This will form one of a number of pages relating to the technical side of what we do. For more information on the plans for this area of the site, click the 'read more' link on the right.
Categories: BUAofE, Website, Members News
Congratulations to David Evans, Nicola Read and Tom Chui on passing their National Grade assessment at the 2015 English National Championships at Crawley.
Categories: BUAofE, Assessments, Tournaments, English National Championships